Health is our birthright and yet for many of us, it always appears to be out of reach. In our quest for achieving health we might have applied all that modern medical science has to offer, tried all sorts of advertised products or followed other health promising advice currently available on social media. Yet the final outcome is still not arriving. What is wrong?
There is a law that reigns over the life of all animated beings. This law is the law of cause and effect. Each of us is unique and so we like to think that also our health situation is unique in a way that is correct, but at the same time it is not. You see, according to Neo Natural Hygiene, there are not multitudes of diseases, like the medical science wants us to believe, but only a multitude of manifestations and each has but one common source, namely the transgression of the natural way of living. This is the cause and we need to understand this point properly before health can be restored.
In its widest sense, Neo Natural Hygiene is the application of the principles of nature to the preservation and restoration of health applied to the sick. Firstly, it consists in finding the cause of the patients suffering and removing this. Secondly, in restoring to the patient the conditions of a healthy natural life. This is accomplished by teaching them how to prepare and eat a proper diet, secure abundance of fresh air, to use sunshine properly, how to exercise, rest, close himself properly, etc.
Through our individual health programmes, our aim is to first find the cause and teach the individual how to restore health and how to prevent future health disbalances by showing how to correctly apply nature's health preservatives, such as Air, light, food, water, exercise, rest, sleep, etc. No other pills, concoctions, creams and so on shall be applied. Together we shall identify the cause and the effect will then cease. In the first stage we provide a 2 week programme followed by a monthly programme, and in the phase 3 we shall organize a 2 week group retreat, after which you should have all the knowledge to be able to manage your own health. Our goal is to put ourselves out-of-business by enabling anyone to become their own doctor. We recommend to start the journey with our health quiz.