What is fasting? – Part 02
- NatureRestToxic Waste Material
“The blood is life and the blood is made of food. As is the food, so is the blood. Pure food makes pure blood. Pure blood builds up a healthy body. The vital character of the blood is very strongly asserted also in the scriptures. Let us, however, begin at the beginning. The very germs of all animals are made from the blood of those animals and the blood from their food…From conception to birth, it is the food of the mother that nourishes and builds up the child. In the natural order, for about a year, the food of the mother converted into her blood and then into her milk, still nourishes the body of the child. Hour by hour the blood is circulating through all parts of the body, carrying the matter of nutrients to every part, carrying also all the waste, foul and deceased matter to be expelled from the body.“
P.6 Diet Cure C.E. Page
It is very clear that our objective should be to achieve the purest of blood, for only this will lead to strong and healthy tissues to be built. With low quality food, low quality cells will be made by the body and low quality of tissue will be the result.
Next thing of importance to building up the blood on the natural basis is the elimination of waste, morbid matter and poisons from the system. This depends to a large extent upon the right natural diet, but must be promoted by different methods of eliminative treatment, such as fasting, hydrotherapy, massage, physical exercise, air and sunbathing. Foremost amongst these methods of purification stands fasting. If encumbrances consist merely of superfluous flesh and fat or of accumulated waste materials fastening may be sufficient to break up the accumulations and to eliminate the impurities that are clogging blood and tissues.
Page 189 Lindlahr
The Nature Cure
It is this morbid matter, effete material or toxic waste material that is the source of all our troubles and we need to help our body get rid of it as soon as possible. The more we introduce it into our system and the longer it stays within us, the more harm it will do. The body can handle a certain amount, but since our modern way of life is very disconnected from nature, the body is not able to manage the continuous amounts of this material whether generated exogenous (e.g. food, drugs, etc.) or endogenous (e.g. metabolism).
We know that in animal bodies, the law of nature is for the effete and worn out and least vitalized matter to be cast off. We see this upon the cuticle, nails, hair, and in the snake casting of its old skin, etc. Now, in wasting or famishing from want of food, this process of elimination goes on in a much more rapid manner than ordinarily and the vital force which would otherwise be expanded in digestion of food eaten, acts now in expelling from the vital domain whatever effete Matters it may contain. This, then, is a beautiful idea in regard to the. Hunger cure. That whenever a meal or food is omitted, the body purifies itself. This much from disease and it becomes apparent. Both as regards bodily feeling and strength. It is proved also in the fact that during the prevalence of epidemics, those who have been obliged to live almost in a state of starvation have been free from attacks, while the well fed have been cut off in numbers by the merciless disease.
Page 190 Herbert Shelton
The Science of Fasting